Bash Script To Get AWS EC2 Tag Value For A Running Instance

Bash Script To Get AWS EC2 Tag Value For A Running Instance

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Category : How-to

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Here is a Bash script for getting a tag value from within a running EC2 Instance.

For more information on AWS EC2, please see:

If you’re using one of the standard AWS EC2 images, such as Ubuntu, then you’ll have everything you need already installed. Thankfully, Amazon installs some tooling on your host that’ll help you interact with the AWS fabric.

Create a bash file with your favourite text editor.


Paste the following script into the bash file. You’ll need to change test-tag in the below script to the tag Key name you’ve defined for the EC2 instance.

INSTANCE_ID=$(ec2metadata --instance-id)
REGION=$(ec2metadata --availability-zone | sed 's/.$//')
TAG_VALUE=$(aws ec2 describe-tags --filters "Name=resource-id,Values=$INSTANCE_ID" "Name=key,Values=$TAG_NAME" --region=$REGION --output=text | cut -f5)

The value of the tag is now available to use in the variable $TAG_VALUE. Add an echo to the end of your script for now to see it in action.


Make the file executable and run it to see the output.

chmod +x

Tag Value!

Install AWS CodeDeploy Agent on Linux

Category : How-to

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AWS CodeDeploy Agent is the agent that runs deploy jobs on EC2 instances. Before a CodeDeploy job will run you’ll need to make sure the agent is installed, running, and has the correct IAM permissions to execute.

For more information on AWS CodeDeploy, please see:

Installation is straight forward on Linux and will have your agent up and running in no time.

The below example is based on Ubuntu, but the same steps would be used on other distributions, with the exception of the package manager for installing ruby.

As the root user, run the below commands. root is required because the deployment could be performing actions that require elevated privileges. Ruby is an installation dependency for AWS CodeDeploy and must be available before installing the agent itself.

apt update
apt -y install ruby

Once Ruby is installed we can download and install the CodeDeploy agent. The below agent is being downloaded from the eu-central-1 region, but you can replace the region with your local region if required. Other than saving bandwidth charges for the download (which will be tiny) there is no real reason to do so.

cd /tmp
chmod +x ./install

./install auto

The final step is to start the agent and check that it’s running. A systemd entry will be added and needs to be called to start the agent.

service codedeploy-agent start

Finally, check that the agent is running by checking the log. You should be looking for a similar output to the below.

tail -f /var/log/aws/codedeploy-agent/codedeploy-agent.log

2019-11-24 07:30:54 INFO  [codedeploy-agent(31022)]: master 31017: Spawned child 1/1
2019-11-24 07:30:54 INFO  [codedeploy-agent(31022)]: On Premises config file does not exist or not readable
2019-11-24 07:30:54 INFO  [codedeploy-agent(31022)]: InstanceAgent::Plugins::CodeDeployPlugin::CommandExecutor: Archives to retain is: 5}
2019-11-24 07:30:54 INFO  [codedeploy-agent(31022)]: Version file found in /opt/codedeploy-agent/.version with agent version OFFICIAL_1.0-1.1597_deb.
2019-11-24 07:30:54 INFO  [codedeploy-agent(31017)]: Started master 31017 with 1 children
2019-11-24 07:31:54 INFO  [codedeploy-agent(31022)]: [Aws::CodeDeployCommand::Client 200 61.547075 0 retries] poll_host_command(host_identifier:"xxxx")

See here for the installation steps combined into a single script.

Script To Install AWS CodeDeploy Agent on Linux

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Here is the script for installing the AWS CodeDeploy agent on Ubuntu. See the full description here.

For more information on AWS CodeDeploy, please see:

apt update
apt -y install ruby

cd /tmp
chmod +x ./install

./install auto

service codedeploy-agent start

How to Clear the Slow Query Log on AWS RDS MySQL/ MariaDB

Category : How-to

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Here is a super simple little tip for clearing the mysql.slow_log in MySQL or MariaDB when running an RDS on Amazon AWS. 

For more information on AWS RDS, please see:

Unfortunately the usual approach of simply DELETing or TRUNCATING data from the table doesn’t work due to a permission error. This is true, even for the AWS created master database user.

Error Code: 1044. Access denied for user 'masteruser'@'%' to database 'mysql'

Luckily, the Amazon AWS team have put together a package that clears out the table for us. 

CALL mysql.rds_rotate_slow_log;

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