How to Kill a Process Based on Part of the Process Name

How to Kill a Process Based on Part of the Process Name

Category : How-to

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This is a small, handy snippet to kill a Linux process based on matching a string from the ps command output.

For example, we may want to kill the mongodb process based on matching just the string mongo.

We would use the below command, consisting of ps and grep to get the process we would like to kill.

ps aux | grep mongo
mongodb   1025  0.7  7.9 5076284 39120 ?       Sl   Jul08  10:16 /usr/bin/mongod --config /etc/mongodb.conf
root     11873  0.0  0.1  11748   916 pts/0    S+   19:07   0:00 grep --color=auto mongo

We need to change the grep slightly, to stop the actual grep command process that we just ran from returning. We can add [] around part of the matching string to stop the process from being matched exactly as it will be parsed as a pattern, and not a literal string.

ps aux | grep mong[o]
mongodb   1025  0.7  7.9 5076284 39120 ?       Sl   Jul08  10:16 /usr/bin/mongod --config /etc/mongodb.conf

It doesn’t matter where on the string you add the brackets, as long as they are there somewhere.

Using awk we can now filter the results line to only print out the pid of the mongodb process.

ps aux | grep mong[o] | awk {'print$2'}

Finally, we need to wrap all of this with the kill statement to remove the process. Be careful here as this will immediately kill the process with no warning or confirmation. This is just an example, it’s never a good idea to forcefully kill the mongodb process!

kill -9 `ps aux | grep mong[o] | awk {'print$2'}`

And that’s it, the mongodb process is dead!

How to use PowerShell to (grep) Recursively Search for Text Within Files on Windows

Category : How-to

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powershellThe thing I find most annoying with Windows is that it isn’t Linux. Let’s forget the argument of free software, the interchangeable GUIs, the security and everything else which constitutes the usual Linux vs. Windows argument and focus on things I use everyday in Linux which are missing in Windows. Two major things come to mind; tail for monitoring logs and grep which is the easiest way to find something in a file.

Not having grep, more specifically grep -r, is challenging at best and almost reason enough to avoid the platform entirely.

With the introduction of PowerShell, Windows has given us the grep functionality albeit with a much less finesse than the Linux equivalent. You have to pipe multiple commands together; one command to transverse the directories, and one command to look for the pattern within each file found.

Use the below command inside the directory you would like to perform the ‘grep’ and change [SEARCH_PATTERN] to match what you would like to match.

dir -Recurse | Select-String -pattern [SEARCH_PATTERN]

For example:

dir -Recurse | Select-String -pattern "Find Me"

As you can see, its nowhere near the memorable Linux command grep -r but at least its now possible go get similar behaviour in a Windows environment.

Other Windows grep Binaries

There are also various Windows binaries which can be used from a standard command prompt however I had limited luck with each one. The biggest issue was that they require dependencies such as .NET which are not usually installed in server environments.

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