Proxmox 4.0 Has Been Released

Proxmox 4.0 Has Been Released

Category : Tech News

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proxmox logo gradThe Proxmox VE team have released the latest version of Proxmox VE, Proxmox VE 4.0.

There are some pretty big changes in Proxmox version 4 which really warrant the new 4.0 version increment. See my other blog post on the initial 4.0 BETA 1 release notes for the bigger picture, or the below bullet points for the latest changes.

  • Improvements to the new container engine based on LXC, especially the integration into the storage model.
  • Migration path from OpenVZ to LXC
  • Linux Kernel 4.2
  • Ceph Server packages (0.94.x – hammer release)
  • Embedded NoVNC console
  • Improved IPv6 support
  • Redesigned HA
  • Countless bug fixes

You can download the ISO from their download site and install it onto a new machine.

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24-Oct-2015 at 5:58 pm

No support for 2-Node cluster – the main disadvantage of new version in my opinion.

    Adam Gallagher

    29-Oct-2015 at 4:34 pm

    Is it not possible to make a 2-node cluster by adding an extra vote to one node to establish quorum in V4.0?

Mr. Macintosh

15-Dec-2015 at 5:53 pm

Why did they dump OpenVZ for LXC? I’ve been using OVZ for over 10 years (via proxmox since ~3years) and I am perfectly happy with it. I don’t see a benefit purpose using LXC.
Is there any alternative to proxmox (which uses OVZ?)

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