Proxmox 4.0 Beta 2 is Now Available

Proxmox 4.0 Beta 2 is Now Available

Category : Tech News

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proxmox logo gradThe Proxmox VE team have released a new BETA version of their 4.0 branch to the public.


There are some pretty big changes in Proxmox v4 which really warrant the new 4.0 version increment. See my other blog post on the initial 4.0 BETA 1 release notes for the bigger picture, or the below bullet points for the latest changes.

  • Improvements to the new container engine based on LXC, especially the integration into the storage model.
  • Migration path from OpenVZ to LXC
  • Linux Kernel 4.2
  • Ceph Server packages (0.94.x – hammer release)
  • Embedded NoVNC console
  • Improved IPv6 support
  • Countless bug fixes

You can download the ISO from their download site and install it onto a new machine. Unfortunately, because it’s still a BETA product there is no upgrade path from 3.4. I’d expect this to change in the near future.

It’s worth noting, however, that the website states that any BETA version of release 4.0 will be upgradeable to the full 4.0 when it’s available.

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12-Sep-2015 at 3:07 am

Hi James,

Have you tried already?
Do you know if Is there any improves on the network (vlans) management?
Thx for this great blog!

Łukasz Kopiszka

28-Sep-2015 at 9:42 am

I’m testing 3 nodes cluster with ceph. For now it works without problem. I tried to damage ceph cluster but it always up with status HEALT OK.

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