Proxmox 3.0 is now available – with updates!

Proxmox 3.0 is now available – with updates!

Category : Tech News

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proxmox logo gradThe guys building Proxmox have not been messing about; in the past couple of weeks we have seen a major release of Proxmox V3.0 and a few updates. We now have qemu templates which we can clone as many times as required, as a whole new guest or a thinly provisioned guest linked to the clone. With the latest updates we now have storage migration which enables us to move a qemu guests storage to a new storage type.

You can download the ISO from

Highlights of the 3.0 release:

  • Based on Debian 7.0 (Wheezy)
  • new VM clone feature
  • new event driven API server (pveproxy)
    • completely replace apache2
    • efficient support for HTTP keep-alive
  • support bootlogd (boot log can be viewed on the GUI)
  • update qemu-kvm to 1.4.1

And the recent update:

  • Storage migration 

There is an upgrade script to upgrade from version 2.3 to 3 however as the new version is now based on Debian 7.0 instead of Debian 6. To make sure there are no left over packages or files floating around, I would recommend a fresh install of Proxmox version 3.0.

Don’t forget to update once you have installed Proxmox 3.0 with apt-get by using the below commands in a terminal. Before updating, make sure all your VM’s have been stopped. Run the below commands on each server in your cluster.

apt-get update
apt-get dist-upgrade

Restart all Proxmox servers to complete the installation.

If you would like to try the in-place upgrade path, see the Proxmox Wiki for more information.

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